Friday, December 10, 2010

30 Years of Faith! & The Legacy Continues!

On December 7, 1980, pioneers who have traveled from their home Kingdom of Tonga were allowed to establish the first Tongan Ward in the Bay Area! What a great way to leave a mark in history that explains what Tongans are about. This weekend, San Francisco 2nd, 3rd, and 4th celebrate 30 great years of Faith!

Friday: Adult Dance 7 pm Aloha & Mumu Attire @ CC
Youth Dance "Aloha Christmas" 7 pm Chapel
Saturday: Youth Service Project 9 am
Millbrae Chapel
*Breakfast to be Served

Dinner & Dance @ CC 4pm

Sunday: Combined Sacrament @ Millbrae Chapel 1 pm
Potluck Dinner to follow @ CC

Stake Music Festival @ SNL Chapel @ 7


(Above pictured is the Chapel where it all began)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Let the SCORPIOs Rise!

What a month its been and still going! Hahaa. Beginning of November is when the heartaches and tears come. Middle of the month is "Celebrate Good Times C'mon", and the end of the month is Feast time. Not only is it about the turkey and mashed potatoes or the puaka tunu and ota, but its about the Time you get to spend with your family and reminisce and talk about what your THANKFUL for.
We are all DIAMONDS in our very own Families! They love us and we love them with all our <3s!

Cuz were SCORPIONs and its our time to shine! Happy Birthday to us!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November "Family Time"

N O V E M B E R !

This month is so very special to me. Not only is it the month of "Thanksgiving", but its month of my birthday, and many of my cousins and friends' birthdays; but also many great people have left this life and returned to our Heavenly Father during this month.

Why I say Thanksgiving? I say Thanksgiving is special to me because its one of the times out the year you spend with your family. Like really spend with them. Family is the B E S T we could ever have. They're always there for you, its they're shoulder your gonna lean on, and its them that can always help no matter what the problem is.

November 13, 1993, a cute little boy was born to goodly parents. Mafua and Anau-Kihe-Sina Latai. Weighing in at 10.5 lbs and being 19 in. This year I'll be 17, getting younger and staying young! Lol.

November Birthdays:
2- Jr Teaupa, Jared Afu (RIP)
9- Filo Tonga
11- Baby Guess Teaupa
13- Cliff Latai, Whoopi Goldberg
16- Amelia Hopoi, Sale Langi
18- Joseph Teaupa
21- Haniteli Ngaluafe
25- T H A N K S G I V I N G !

This month I also lost some very dear people and close to my heart! On November 5th of 2007. This lady was one of my favorite aunts. I love her to the max. She has always been there for me and my family even when she had nothing. Every where my mom would go, she was with this lady. Even when she was sick, she still went with my mom. Shes fighter, and shes in a better place! Love you Kalisi Fehoko Funaki!

This is why November is the BEST month ever! Even though it had its downs, its still the best!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A day that I'll never Forget November 2nd

Today, 20 years ago, my cousin Jared S. Afu was born to goodly parents and a wonderful family. The son of Bishop Halalilifa Afu & Catherine Afu. The brother of Seini, Hala Jr, Piilani, Daniel, and David Afu. Jared was the youngest of six kids.

Today, November 2nd would be his birthday. I would probably be at his house later on tonight to celebrate. But u know for a fact that my brother is in a better place. Jared was killed on a Wednesday night, August 4th, around 11:30 pm.

I just want to wish him a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To you bruh! I love you man!

Ofa Atu Tokoua!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Millbrae II Ward 30th Ward Anniversary (Part 1)

Lets take it back to December 7th, 1980! When the song "Billie Jean" was the #1 hit!

It was also the day the Tongan Saints in the Bay Area, mainly Millbrae and San Bruno formed the Millbrae II Ward, later known as San Francisco 3rd and San Francisco 4th; and from there came the San Francisco 2nd Fijian Branch. This past weekend, October 22-24, was a weekend filled memories and laughter. Tears and joy. And the Spirit of the Lord was with us the whole time.

The youth of the Millbrae II Ward from 1980 to 1992 planned an event that would bring the joy and memories of the THEN to the NOW! And I do commend them very highly for what a wonderful job they did.

Their plans followed as:

Friday Oct 22 - Formal Dance w/ Introductions @ The Clarion Hotel
Saturday Oct 23 - Luncheon at 12 @ Millbrae II Ward Building "Where it all Began"
- "Flashback to the 80s" Dance @ Culture Center
Sunday Oct 24 - Sacrament (Ward Attended)
- "Tears & Laughter" Fireside @ Millbrae Chapel

Friday, October 22, 2010

I hope they call me on a Mission

Just recently, about a week ago, the San Francisco California East Tongan Stake of Zion had its Stake Conference. All the events were held at the Menlo Park, Valpaiso Chapel. The events included:

- Stake Dance; Friday Night
- Priesthood Session at 2:30, Adult Session at 6 pm Saturday
- General Session at 2 pm Sunday

Stakes have Stake Conference twice every year. The theme for Stake Conference this time was "Missionary Work."

Doctrine and Covenants 18 : 10, 15-16

"10 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;

And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!

16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"

During the Stake Conference events, I can tell you that the Spirit of the Lord was totally felt; except for when me and Ana thought we could do the Old Time Waltz dance and decided to try to do it with Peninsula 3rd...can we both say FAIL! Lol. Other than that, Priesthood session was great, as well as the Saturday night session.

The Sunday session on the other hand was; lets just say it was "Sugar in the morning!" The spirit on Sunday was amazing! President Havili expressed a lot, but what stick out to me the most was him saying that paying tithing was not about the money, its about the faith that the tithe payer has.

But I really enjoyed Sister Lauti's talk, shes from the San Francisco-Oakland California Mission, and i quote, "We had a family home evening one Monday night and the activity was to go crabbing, or in Tongan, Tau Paka. When we got to Golden Gate, our bate or Mounu was two tilapias, or Lapila. We hooked the bate to the net and lowered it, it wasn't even a whole minute a seal or Sila appeared with the two tilapias flapping its arms making noise like it was laughing at us. We pulled up the net to see if we got any crab; as you guessed, we didn't catch any. My husband than told me to bring the two canned fish cans or Kapa Ika that i brought for lunch to use as bate. My husband hooked to the net, and lowered. He let the net sit for about four to five minutes and then pulled it up. In the net was so much crab! My grand kids and me were so happy!"

Sister Lauti used her experience as an analogy for Missionary Work, Change the bate or Mounu if you must. Don't always use the same bate to bring others unto Christ. It might be too old and maybe id doesn't even work.

I do testify to you all that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on the face of this earth. I know that President Monson is the true Prophet of God. I know that God lives and that if we keep his commandments, we'll be able to live with him again. I know that Book of Mormon and the Scriptures are true words of God. I will serve a mission. I love you all. I testify of all these things. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mills Field Trip

I do apologize for the inconvenience of net being able to show the embedded map of where the trip was taken. But i will give you this. An explanation of the trip. The trip was to the Mills Canyon. Mills Canyon is an extraordinary place to visit. I really missed out and i feel guilty.

Monday, May 24, 2010

IProposeWe Make a Chocolate Cake

I propose we make a Chocolate Cake.! Mmmmmm.! Delicious.!

When all the materials needed to make a Chocolate Cake mix together, it resembles all the matter inside of a mole of CO2. The mix needed to make a chocolate cake is an example of all the matter to make a mole!

Chocolate Cake

- Betty Crocker Super Moist Chocolate Cake Mix
- 1 1/4 Cups of Water
- 1/3 Cup of Vegetable Oil
- 3 Eggs


1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Grease the whole pan with stick of butter or spray
3. Beat the cake mix with eggs, water, and oil
4. Mix until un-lumpy
5. Pour into greased pan and bake
6. Use a toothpick to check if cake is ready. Poke in the middle

Safety Instructions:

-Never touch anything spinning in a fast motion
- Never touch anything hot without

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Atomic and Molecular Structure

1b: Students know how to use the peroidc table to identify metals,nonmetals, semimetals, and halogens

Metals- are located from the left side of the PT all the way to the middle. And the elements underneath.
Semimetals- are located on the otherside of the invisible border in between the metals and semimetals.
Nonmetals- are located in top left corner (H) of the PT and after the semimetals boreder.
Halogens- are located inside of the nonmetals border in family 17. Beginning with F and ending with At.

Friday, April 23, 2010

AIR, AIR, and AIR,!!!!

in chem class with Mr. Olson we got to play with air. Candice and i filled up garbage bags with air.!! hahahaaa.

Photo Credit: Candice Newson(the girl in the picture.!!)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Proposal to make SMORES and tell Sotries.

1-Graham Crackers
4-Stick(to hold the marshmallow)
5-Bunsen Burner
Safety Precautions:
-Keep all body parts away from the Bunsen Burner
-Let marshmallow cool before entering your mouth
Scientific Principles:
-The marshmallow reacts with fire and heat to actually ROAST the marshmallow

and then you get yourself.......SMORES.!! hahahaa.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Mysterious Girl.......

is a song by Peter Andre. its a super sick song. it always makes me move. like i do the CLIFF. yes the CLIFF. its dance i do and only i could do it. if you want to listen to it, look it up on hahahaaa. its gonna make you dance!

Candice & Nikki

so in the library, while im blogging, Nikki comes and hugs Candice. i mean......really?? in the library?? hahahaaa. jkay. they're just friends with a lot of love for eachother! hahahahaaa. and they both go to Mills!!! hahahaaa.

Oprah Winfrey

so im sitting in the library and the poster in front of me is a poster of Oprah Winfrey with the book Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. Oprah is Candice Newson's cousin and im sitting right next to her in the library. and im also sitting next to Kosher's little brother Pranava Singh. Oprah is significant woman to not only women around the world but to all African-American Women who are inspired by words of advice. Oprah is lets just say the Black Mother Theresa.

Santa Cruz

So for church our youth is going to UC Santa Cruz for a week in the summer. Its called youth conference. when we go there have lessons taught to us, and we even get to stay in the dorms there. this my first time going to youth conference. our church usually goes to BYU-Provo because its a church school. im LDS. so im super excited to go.


So I had seminary this morning. It was great. We worked on our Scripture Mastery and Chase. Its 7:15 and im kicked out of the house to hurry and come to school! i mean 7:15!!!! really??? i think thats a little too early! dont you think?? hahahaa. well im in the CC at school working on my blog because its due today. hahahaaa. see what happens when oyou procrastinate?? hahahaa.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


The last quad was amazing! All of our MILLS HS basketball teams killed BHS. Mills has our own SPEEDO MAN! hahahahaaa.


Stoichiometry is type of problem you use in chemistry but man i tell you, im good with some and realy bad some.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Last Rally

Mills High School had the best rally ever today. Today we had Academy of Villains perform today. Woooooo. We had dance groups from Mills perform and the Cheerleaders.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Like Dissolves Like

Dissolving is the act of making a solution. Like Dissolves Like is an expression used by chemists to remember how some solvents work.